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» pls pls pls pls pls
Online Games??? Icon_minitime周二 十二月 16, 2008 2:57 am 由 天下没敌手

» 天下没敌手,哈哈哈,这个就是我啦。。。。。。
Online Games??? Icon_minitime周二 十二月 16, 2008 2:54 am 由 天下没敌手

» ★梦幻の糖糖★
Online Games??? Icon_minitime周二 十二月 02, 2008 12:23 am 由 ★梦幻の糖糖★

» 收天剑龙光
Online Games??? Icon_minitime周四 十一月 20, 2008 12:42 am 由 南风~川~

» 私事,所以出帮了
Online Games??? Icon_minitime周三 十一月 19, 2008 5:52 am 由 @伟杰@

» 认识新朋友~~
Online Games??? Icon_minitime周三 十一月 19, 2008 12:19 am 由 南风~川~

» a little story for 梦幻~天下 (请注意写下的有趣句子)呵呵。。
Online Games??? Icon_minitime周二 十一月 18, 2008 8:54 pm 由 @伟杰@

» 大家好!我是可爱小不点!哈哈。。。第一次贴照片上来
Online Games??? Icon_minitime周二 十一月 18, 2008 8:51 pm 由 @伟杰@

» 怀恋以前的梦幻好友~好久没上~
Online Games??? Icon_minitime周二 十一月 18, 2008 8:39 am 由 ★梦幻の恋★

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 Online Games***

3 posters


帖子数 : 10
注册日期 : 08-06-18

Online Games??? Empty
帖子主题: Online Games***   Online Games??? Icon_minitime周四 七月 03, 2008 12:48 am

Actually u all no need spend so much money on online games de.

RO so famous at the end also no ppl play.
RYL, JX2, maple, and all other games, becoem less and less ppl play.

U know y***

100% ppl play that game, willing to spend money to play will be 10%? or even less.
Spend money = high lvl good eq and etc

at the end who get boring 1st? 90% ppl get boring

when 90% ppl left the game, who get boring? the ppl who willing to spend money. why? because less player in the game mah

I still remember a player in RO teach me, we play games, and dun let games play us. (pls help me translate to Chinese Very Happy) Cool
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帖子数 : 10
注册日期 : 08-06-18

Online Games??? Empty
帖子主题: 回复: Online Games***   Online Games??? Icon_minitime周四 七月 03, 2008 12:51 am

i miss out one thing.... ppl dun want those games because got PRIVATE server Very Happy

high rate, no need lvling (so consuming time)

Coz there was alot thing onli high lvl ppl can do which are KILL BOSS (Very GENG that kind) Very Happy
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帖子数 : 85
注册日期 : 08-05-28

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帖子主题: 回复: Online Games***   Online Games??? Icon_minitime周四 七月 03, 2008 11:36 pm

nid a time to help u translate to chinese >.< lol! study study study study study but i think all ppl will know wat u say bah . 谢谢 Razz Razz
thx for sharing
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帖子数 : 69
注册日期 : 08-05-29

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帖子主题: 回复: Online Games***   Online Games??? Icon_minitime周六 七月 05, 2008 1:19 am

不是我们在玩游戏,而是游戏在 玩 我 们。

Whenever I replied this in other forums, I will get 2 things:
1) get banned from forum
2) ppl said, "if you don't like this game, go and play other games."

I said:
In long run, F2P is more expensive than P2P games.

Let's take F2P Perfect World (PW) as an example:
1 gold Hiero = RM5

Priest uses 1 gold Hiero every 4 hours. So, if the Priest play 4 hours a day, he will use 7 gold Hiero a week. 7 x RM5 = RM35 (a week), he paid RM35 for that week.

If Priest played 30 days and each day 1 gold Hiero, 30 x RM5 = RM1xx. He paid RM1xx for that month.

Compare with P2P WoW, each month RM55 only. So, F2P PW is more expensive than P2P WoW.

Back to Wu Lin. How much do you pay to make +7 and above items? Some unlucky players 'boom' more than RM100 per month.

Trust me, those ppl who say "u don't need to pay for the game u also can play" are bull s h i t.

Can u +9 without spending RM? Can u get latest items without spending RM?

Yes u can, BUT! u have to grind and farm for in-game money. I met players who didn't throw in RM and they all lv up very slowly, me also lv up very slowly.

How many mobs r u going to kill to buy a +7 weapon? How many days to take? I believe u cannot make +7 without spending RM.

When those players who spent money to get +9, better mount, better pets, and then PK killed u in 1-Hit, how do u feel?

In PW, u cannot lv up without RM5 gold Hiero, especially if u r a Priest.

There is a pharse and I agree very much:
RM players rules!

In F2P, the richer u r in real life, the more powerful (advantages) u r in-game.

In PW, me and my friends doing same ms. They were doing 3rd stage but I was just at 1st stage. Why?
Because they got the latest and fastest flying mount. They could reach the NPC much faster than me. When I was flying with my mount, I could read a comic or take a nap because it flies too slow. I dun spend RM to buy better flying mount.

The items in the cash shop looks like dun give advantage to those who bought them. But, in long run, it did.

Example: faster mount. u can reach a NPC faster, u can complete timed-missions (coz u can run to the destination fast), u can pull mobs better, u got more advantages in a war.

Example: those items which help u to make +9. the more u buy, the less chance u get 'boom'.

Remember, F2P games are only 70% complete. u must buy items from cash shop to play smoothly.

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帖子数 : 10
注册日期 : 08-06-18

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帖子主题: 回复: Online Games***   Online Games??? Icon_minitime周日 七月 06, 2008 11:11 pm

hmm wat paladin2 say was correct also...

but try to think much deeper, u wont play a game for a whole life and there are not such game that can tahan for that long.

So, just play the game for fun lah Very Happy not need care too much about getting stronger or wat....

Let enjoy the game

P.S; i play online games because my friends are playing. because i love MSN (chatting) and the online game provide chatting and playing together.
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帖子数 : 69
注册日期 : 08-05-29

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帖子主题: 回复: Online Games***   Online Games??? Icon_minitime周一 七月 07, 2008 10:03 am

Yea, play 1 year will get boring already...

I am sure 1 year u can reach lv60-lv80. Starting from lv50, u need to pump in RM, so...it's time to stop and change another game. Laughing

I don't care too much about getting stronger or what, but...when it comes to PK or Guild Wars...

When a RM player vs a non-RM player (like me):
RM player got full +10, me how to win...
When RM player flee, they flee with 5.2 speed mount, me how to chase...

It is very geram when a boring lv90 player come and KS u, then PK u... Mad
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